
general guidance for interaction between united nations personnel and military and civilian representatives of the occupying power in iraq中文是什么意思

  • 关于伊拉克问题的一般指导方针
  • 例句与用法
  • L ' approbation et la diffusion par le Secrétaire général, en mars 2003, du document intitulé < < General Guidance for Interaction between United Nations Personnel and Military and Civilian Representatives of the Occupying Power in Iraq > > (General Guidance for Iraq), a constitué une mesure importante.
    在这方面,秘书长2003年3月核可和发布的 " 关于联合国人员和占领国军方和民政代表在伊拉克境内互动的一般指导方针 " (关于伊拉克问题的一般指导方针)3 是一项重大发展。
  • 推荐法语阅读
general guidance for interaction between united nations personnel and military and civilian representatives of the occupying power in iraq的中文翻译,general guidance for interaction between united nations personnel and military and civilian representatives of the occupying power in iraq是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译general guidance for interaction between united nations personnel and military and civilian representatives of the occupying power in iraq,general guidance for interaction between united nations personnel and military and civilian representatives of the occupying power in iraq的中文意思,general guidance for interaction between united nations personnel and military and civilian representatives of the occupying power in iraq的中文general guidance for interaction between united nations personnel and military and civilian representatives of the occupying power in iraq in Chinesegeneral guidance for interaction between united nations personnel and military and civilian representatives of the occupying power in iraq的中文,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查法语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
